Timeless UK British Fair 2019.  ロンドンアカトキのTOKII エグゼクティブヘッドシェフ、Gary Durrant をお迎えしたスペシャルディナー。








デュラント氏は、Savoy Hotelでのシニアスーシェフとしての経験をはじめ、InterContinental in London、Claridges Hotel in London, Grand Hotel Du Cap Ferrat in Franceなど、数多くのホテルで経験を積んできました。とても穏やかな笑顔のシェフです。ロンドンにお出かけの際は、ぜひPrince Akatoki へ。

Special Thanks to all the Managers and Staff of Prince Hotels Tokyo City Area.





voy Hotelでのシニアスーシェフとしての経験をはじめ、InterContinental in London、Claridges Hotel in London、Grand Hotel Du Cap Ferrat in Franceなど数多くのホテルやレストランで才能あふれるシェフらと共に20CoSavoy Hotelでのシニアスーシェフとしての経験をはじめ、InterContinental in London、Claridges Hotel in London、Grand Hotel Du Cap Ferrat in Franceなど数多くのホテルやレストランで才能あふれるシェフらと共に20Savoy Hotelでのシニアスーシェフとしての経験をはじめ、InterContinental in London、Claridges Hotel in London、Grand Hotel Du Cap Ferrat in Franceなど数多くのホテルやレストランで才能あふれるシェフらと共に20ntinental in London、Claridges Hotel in London、Grand Hotel Du Cap Ferrat in Franceなど数多くのホテルやレストランで才能あふれるシェフらと共に20V

ニアスーシェフとしての経験をはじめ、InterContinental in London、Claridges Hotel in London、Grand Hotel Du Cap Ferrat in Franceなど数多くのホテルやレストランで才能あふれるシェフらと共に20年以上に渡り知識とスキルを磨y Hotelでのシニアスーシェフとしての経験をはじめ、InterContinental in LonSavoy Hotelでのシニアスーシェフとしての経験をはじめ、InterContinental in London、Claridges Hotel in London、Grand Hotel Du Cap Ferrat in Franceなど数多くのホテルやレストランで才能あふれるシェフらと共に20年以上に渡り知識とスキルを磨don、Claridges Hotel in London、Grand Hotel Du Cap Ferrat in Franceなど数多くのホテルやレストランで才能あふれるシェフらと共に20年以上に渡り知識とスキルを磨

Worldwide Party Planner さまにお招きいただき、公開講座「ファッションプロトコール 洋装のドレスコード その理由と背景」を行いました。






こちらの本には、撮りおろしの明快な写真で解説しています。Verita Ironica よりお買い上げいただきますと、サイン入りの本を迅速にお届けできます。(Shop.jp へのお支払い手数料が少しだけかかってしまうこと、申し訳なく思っております)


Timeless UK British Fair 2019.

写真左はFullers London Pride. カラメルのような甘い香りのなかに、紅茶やシトラスのかすかな気配。右はHobgoblin. 添加物ゼロ、チョコレートモルトがブレンドされたクリーンな味わい。Hobgoblinはイギリスでは有名ないたずら好きな妖精。

ザ・プリンスパークタワー東京の「スカイラウンジ ステラガーデン」のカウンターは一段高い位置に設置され、フロア席のカップルを視野にいれることなく(笑)楽しめます。

もちろん、窓際で東京タワー相手にカクテルAKATOKI を飲むのも最高です。



“Shoulder the sky, my lad, and drink your ale.” by A.E.Houseman



Serial essay “Style Icon” for Yomiuri Shinbun.

No. 101:Timothee Chalamet.

SPUR January 2020 issue has been released.


I made a comment on the trend of New “Decorativism” after Genderless.

Genderless is now universal, rather than outdated.

Beaujolais Nouveau.

The Kitty Nouveau has arrived this year again.  Special thanks to K san!

Invited by Ms. Hanachiyo to her Nouveau Party.  The theme is “Arabian Night”.

Gorgeous and exotic party.  Special thanks to Ms. Hanachiyo and her husband, who is wine importer.

Photo above from left: Ms. Kumiko, Ms. Hanachiyo, Nakano and Ms. Akane.

The dress code of the party was “Arabian Night”.

My “Arabic” dress is borrowed from Ms. Maali Shiam, the wife of the ambassador of Ms.Palestine.

I had asked Ms. Maali for her advice.  “Where can I buy Arabic dress in Japan?”

She replied “There would be none.  Please wear my dress instead.  I mean it. ”

So I counted on her kindness.  The embroidery is all hand-made.  Real beautiful dress.  Special thanks to Ms. Maali.


“By Kilian” has released the first collection of lipsticks “Kilian Parfum Le Rouge Lipstick”.

The collection consists of 6 red shades with matte finish and satin finish. Only red.


High-intensity and luxurious pigments to create intense colour, velvet touch, silky finish and durability.

Here are 6 shades of red by Kilian. Each with Satin finish and Matte finish.


  • Heaven: intense bright red with orange undertone
  • Aphrodisiac:  a glamorous intense red with blue and orange shade
  • Prohibited :  luxury intense red with a cool blue undertone
  • Dangerous: elegant red with a blue undertone
  • Intoxicating :  a complex red with a neutral cool undertone
  • Devil: deep red with plum undertone

This is “Dangerous” Rouge with satin finish, which contains fragrance of Kilian. Durability and sensuality is great and It makes me feel romantic and intoxicated all day…   Recommend for the specific occasion of your holiday season.














まあ、考えてみれば輸入ものは長期保存するために大量に塩や添加物を入れるので、ぱさぱさになっていきますよね。このキャビアはその必要がなく低塩なので、新鮮で、匂いにも味にもまったくクセがなく、おいしい! なによりも、安全・安心です。








アペリティーボ(ここで待ち合わせて1,2杯飲んでからレストランへ)としても使ってほしい、とのことですが、これほどゴージャスな店をアペリティーボの止まり木にしてしまったら、その後にはいったいどこへ行けばよいというのか。笑 そのままメインのお店として滞在しても、もちろん大満足の夜が待っていることでしょう。


?17℃ (ディ・セットゥ・ドゥグレ)



Visited Waseda University.

I gave a lecture on “Luxury Brand and Japan” as a guest lecturer.


It will be published around next spring.


Signature December issue is released.

I have written an article on Cartier Exhibition. Interviewed with the CEO of Cartier International.

Special thanks to Ms. Michiko Ito, editor-in-chief of Signature magazine.

Prince Hotels Tokyo City Area present Timeless UK British Fair 2019.

Funky Vibes UK at Nine Bar, Table 9 Tokyo.

Special thanks to Mask DJ T.K.I (One of the Ganeral Managers of Prince Hotels Tokyo City Area).

From left, Dr. Kumiko of Shinsaibashi Reform, Mask DJ T.K.I, Nakano, and Mr. Onishi of Hackett London.

Many thanks to Dr. Kumiko who remade my union jack dress a la Wonderwoman.

<History of Union Jack Dress>

Funky Vibes UK , Mask DJ T.K.I のセッションで着用したUnion Jack Dress には、歴史があります。













A program recording for NHK.  It’s a program 5-year-old girl scolds people for not awakening about the world around them.


My mission was to give a lecture about the history of suits. I talked about the 300 years’ history of suits in two hours, simplifying it as much as possible.  But they will use this lecture scene only  for 7-8 minutes.

It will be on the air  next year.

Special thanks to Showa Women’s University for cooperating the shooting.  Also big thanks to Mr. Takubo who taught me how to make a Turnbull Flower with a pocketchief.

My bespoke suit is made by Mr. Hirokawa.  With Mikimoto brooch and Chanel scarf.

<Timeless U.K. British Fair  Vol.5 Funky Vibes U.K.>


ブリティッシュフェア期間中に、DJ Music Nightも開催。
品川プリンス39階のTable 9 Tokyo Nine Bar では、ブリットロックからブリティッシュポップ、90年代に一世を風靡したアシッドジャズ、現在ロンドンで流行のニュージャズまで、U.K.を愛するDJ達が個性を競います。

私のお勧めは、Mask DJ T.K.Iが登場する12日です。実はこの方、総支配人の中の一人なのです。ミュージシャンを目指していたこともあるとあって、選曲のセンスとノリの良さが前回のDJナイトで大好評️。ゴージャスな夜景とともにUK音楽の夜を。


The Wife of the Ambassador of Palestine, Mrs. Maali Siam, held the exhibition of the Palestinian traditional costume and Japanese Obi.  At Royal Suite Room of Hotel Allamanda Aoyama.

Ms. Maali Siam, left. We met 2 year ago at the Arabic Tea Party, which was held by her at the residence of the Ambassador of Palestine.

The traditional costumes belong to Maali’s mother in law (=the mother of Ambassador of Palestine).  Maali brought these preciou pieces from Palestine to Japan for this exhibition.

You will notice the coins. A lot of coins are used as ornament.  Coins represents eternity in Palestine, so they are lucky motifs.


Mrs. Maki Yamamoto-Arakawa.  She contributed to unite the traditional precious techniques of needlework of two cultures: Palestine and Japan.

Japanese Obi applied with the embroidery of traditional Palestine.

Beautiful embroidery.  But there is also sad aspect. “Embroidery signifies a lack of work,” an Arab proverb recorded by Gustaf Dalman  in 1937 .

Special thanks to Maali who held this meaningful costume exhibition.

During the British Fair, Special Menu inspired by the British spy novel will be offered. Supervised by Mr. Toshiyasu Takubo.

?The spy who loved the breakfast (with a glass of Tattinger Rose)

Realized by Mr. Miura, Prince Hotel Executive Chef.

From left: Mr. Takubo who supervised this special menu, Mr. Takei who is executive general manager of Tokyo City Area, Nakano and Mr. Miura.

?Three kind of Martini James Bond loved.

Photo from kitchen test about 10 days ago. Dirty Martini, Vesper Martini and Vodka Martini.

Mr. Takubo demonstrates how to grab the martini glass like James Bond.

Please order special martini saying, “Shaken, not stirred.”  Or “I just don’t care.”


“100 roses” from the staff after the reception.  Thank you.


Timeless U.K. British Fair 2019.

At the entrance The Tin Soldier of ice welcomed us.


Ray Goertz, General Manager of Prince Akatoki London.

Tape cut ceremony.

Elaborate ice sculptures, wonderful and updated British food and drinks.

General Mangers. From left Mr. Hashimoto of Shinagawa Prince, Mr. Yamamoto of Takanawa area, Mr. Ray of London Akatoki, Ms. Shibata of Koicho, Mr. Takei of City Area and Mr. Ishikawa of Parktower.

These red bow ties and (a dot tie of Mr. Ray) are offered by Hackett London, who supported this British Fair.

Top chefs of Prine Hotels. Second from left is Mr. Keita Takahashi, who is recently so busy preparing for Imperial Ceremony Dinners.

Mr. Yoshiaki Ichimura, Executive Chef Sommelier of Prince Hotel.

Mr. Yusuke Mori, Bartender of the Prince Gallery Tokyo Kioicho.

Staff commemorative photo. Thank you.

Timeless U.K. Prince Hotels & Resorts British Fair 2019. <2019.11.1~12.25>

Reception at the Grand Prince Takanawa & Kihinkan.

Are we really in Japan?  Mr. Mark Dobashi of Kamakura Antiques, Catherine Nakano and Mr. Hisaaki Takei who is  Senior Managing Officer Regional General Manager Tokyo City Area PRINCE HOTELS, INC.


London Taxi Black and White (both owned by Mark) and Jaguar (owned by Prince Hotels).

Luxurious deep red leather interior.

Aston Martin DB11 in the banquet room.

Collaboration of London Bus of Prince Hotels with Tokyo Tower.

Congratulations of the opening of Prince Akatoki London.


Official HP of British Fair 2019.

Detailed information is here for you.

Fujingaho December issue is released.

Contributed an article about Formalwear.

In formal world, if you get lost, raise the rank of your dress.