ラグジュアリーの研究が楽しい理由のひとつは、 この業界に関わる人々のコミュニケーションの作法である。





ラグジュアリーマネージメントにおいて必須とされる 「(顧客)エンゲージメント」というのは、まさにこのことなのだ。 あなたのことを深く気にかけている、と相手に感じさせるコミュニケーションの魔法。


日本には別のエンゲージメントの作法もあると思う。プロダクトやサービスを磨くとともに、ここを意識的に鍛えると 必ずよい結果がついてくる。




One of the joys of studying luxury is observing the art of communication practiced by those involved in the industry.

Many individuals in the European luxury business communicate in English that is not only intellectually refined but also emotionally evocative—so exquisite it feels almost enchanting.

They excel at conveying a profound sense of honor in engaging with you (sometimes regardless of their true feelings).

Their communication is meticulous, warm, and heartfelt, leaving you with a desire to connect with them again. This attention to detail and genuine tone creates a sense of happiness, fostering enduring relationships.

For the record, I am neither a client nor anyone of importance—just a humble researcher.

The concept of “engagement,” a cornerstone of luxury management, is precisely this: the magical ability to make others feel genuinely cared for.

This kind of experience is rare, which is why it holds such extraordinary value.

Japan, I believe, has its own unique approach to engagement. By consciously honing this skill alongside refining products and services, it is certain to lead to remarkable results.

Japan has a culture that values being “reserved” as a virtue, and disregarding this in an attempt to imitate foreign practices can sometimes lead to unnatural outcomes.

“Anticipatory care”—the ability to intuit and prepare for the emotional movements or actions of others—is likely an exceptional skill possessed by Japanese people, particularly professionals in the hospitality industry. This contrasts with cultures where “things must be explicitly stated to be understood.” Conducting such anticipatory care with warmth, I believe, leads to a uniquely Japanese form of customer engagement.

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