1月11日(土)大安、J-Lux Salon あらため雅耀会が始動しました。アドバイザーを拝命し、基調講演をさせていただきました。「次世代ラグジュアリーと日本の卓越技能の未来」。

ラグジュアリービジネスの現在 / ウェルビーイングと日本/ 各国で起きている次世代ラグジュアリービジネスの考え方 / 日本の伝統工芸・卓越技能の長所と課題 / 世界各国のラグジュアリー組織は何をしているのか? / ラグジュアリー教育 / 日本がとるべき戦略と目指したい未来





On Saturday, January 11th—an auspicious Taian day—the J-Lux Salon, now rebranded as Gayo-kai, officially launched. I was honored to be appointed as an advisor and to deliver the keynote speech on “The Future of Next-Generation Luxury and Japan’s Artisanal Excellence.”

The lecture offered a broad perspective on key themes such as:

  • The current state of the luxury business
  • The relationship between well-being and culture of Japan
  • Emerging concepts of next-generation luxury across different countries
  • Strengths and challenges of Japan’s traditional crafts and exceptional skills
  • How luxury organizations worldwide are evolving
  • Luxury education
  • Strategies Japan should pursue and the future it should envision

I spoke for nearly 90 minutes, followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.

It was a promising start, filled with a sense of momentum for the future, as passionate and engaged participants—including government officials, brand designers, traditional artisans, business leaders, media professionals, and educators—gathered from near and far.

I look forward to seeing this growing wave of enthusiasm and passion expand, drawing more people in and creating a powerful movement.

コラージュ上の左から、Fashion Studies 主宰の篠崎友亮さん、若きスポンサーの菊地耀仁さんです。雅耀会の「耀」はこの上なく光り輝くという意味ですが、菊地さんのお名前の中の一文字でもあります。



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