
10月7日をスーツの誕生日と考える根拠はこちらです。サミュエル・ピープスの日記、1666年10月8日の記録。11行目あたりから 「国王陛下は昨日、枢密院において、衣服の流行を定め、それを決して変更しないという決意を宣言された」。



この日、いったい何が生まれたのか? なぜそんな宣言をしなくてはならなかったのか? に関しては「スーツの文化史」(「スーツの神話」の電子書籍版)に詳しく描いておりますので、ご関心のある向きはお読みになってみてくださいね。


Today, October 7th, marks the birthday of the suit! 🎉👔

This date is based on Samuel Pepys’ diary entry from October 8, 1666, which states:

“The King hath yesterday in Council declared his resolution of setting a fashion for clothes, which he will never alter.”

This declaration introduced the vest, marking the beginning of the three-piece suit’s history.

While other dates like the 18th or 12th are sometimes cited, this primary source forms the basis for our celebration. The introduction of the vest (waistcoat) was a pivotal moment in fashion history.

Curious about what exactly was born that day and why such a declaration was necessary? For a deeper dive, check out “The Cultural History of the Suit” (kindle version of “The Myth of the Suit”).

Whether you’re a suit enthusiast or simply appreciate fine tailoring, let’s celebrate the suit’s birthday today!

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