ありがたいことに、本当に多くのクリエーターや経営者に取材させていただいたが、 長い時間をかけて成功していったブランドないし企業は 「物語」として価値を伝える力がずば抜けている。


一方、表面的なビジョンやミッションのきれいごとを どんなに美辞麗句で並べられても、上滑りして忘れてしまう ストーリーが実態に比べて盛りすぎである場合もすぐにバレる (心に響かないと、支持したいという気持ちが起きてこない)。

「天」の視点から一つ一のできごとを意味づける 。



こうした能力は意識的に磨くことができて、 それは個人のブランド構築においても絶大な力を発揮するだろう。





Over the course of interviewing numerous creators and executives, one consistent insight stands out: brands and companies that achieve enduring success possess an extraordinary ability to convey their value as a compelling “story.”

By taking a broad view of their entrepreneurial journey—encompassing trials and tribulations, ups and downs, serendipitous encounters, comebacks from adversity, and rebirth—they masterfully communicate the human emotions, philosophies, and social contexts behind these events. Those capable of authentically sharing these narratives often demonstrate a superior ability to “build a brand.”

On the other hand, superficial visions or missions, no matter how eloquently phrased, fail to resonate and are quickly forgotten. Similarly, overinflating a story beyond the reality of the brand is easily exposed—if it doesn’t touch the heart, it won’t inspire genuine support.

The ability to assign meaning to each event from a higher perspective, to retrospectively connect individual “dots” through human logic, and to recognize transformative “turning points” is a skill that can be consciously developed. This talent is invaluable not only in crafting corporate brands but also in establishing a personal brand with profound impact.

On the other hand, there are many artisans who possess extraordinary creative abilities but are not particularly skilled at expressing themselves.

In such cases, I patiently draw out their words, intending to become their voice, crafting a story to share through my writing.

For these earnest and dedicated artisans, I feel a profound sense of affection that transcends any discussion of brands.

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