
最初にテーラードスーツを作ることになったとき、ああ、男性は「おしゃれに関心ありません」という風を装いながら、こんな極上の世界で楽しんでいたのかと 目からうろこが落ちる思いをした。




身体に合わせた縫製は動きやすく、全く疲れない 。

重役室、レセプション、どこへ行っても品格を保てて一目おかれる 。

タキシードにいたっては一度作ればOK 。パーティーのたびに服で頭を悩ませる必要もない 。

トレンドがほぼないので10年前のスーツも古びない 。

「祖父のスーツをサイズ調整して着ている」紳士もざらにいる。 究極のサステナブルな服でもある。

テーラーで最適に仕立てたスーツは 自由と快適とリスペクトを与えてくれる服なのだ 。


スーツと言っても千差万別で、量産型リクルートスーツとは まったく異なるカテゴリーのものだが、 「一般的に、地味な制服と思われているスーツ」を隠れ蓑にした 別格にラグジュアリーな世界を男性に独占させておくわけにはいかないだろう。




When I first took on the task of creating a tailored suit, I was struck by a revelation: men, while pretending to be indifferent to fashion, had been quietly indulging in this extraordinary world all along.

Here was a garment that gracefully envelops the body, offering just the right amount of abstraction while exuding sophistication. Made of the finest natural fibers, the fabric provided unparalleled comfort—shielding the wearer from heat, cold, and humidity. It was a masterpiece of functionality and elegance.

The possibilities for styling with innerwear and accessories were endless. Tailored stitching ensured a perfect fit, making movement effortless and eliminating fatigue. Whether in the boardroom or at a reception, a well-made suit exuded class, commanding respect and admiration.

A tuxedo, once custom-made, eliminated the stress of choosing outfits for every formal occasion. With virtually no trends to follow, even a suit from a decade ago remained timeless. It wasn’t uncommon to see gentlemen wearing suits that had belonged to their grandfathers, adjusted to fit them perfectly. The tailored suit, I realized, is the ultimate in sustainable fashion.

A suit expertly crafted by a tailor offers freedom, comfort, and respect. It’s a garment where the brand that leaves a lasting impression is the wearer themselves. Of course, not all suits are created equal; the realm of bespoke tailoring is a world apart from mass-produced business suits.

Yet, within the guise of the “ordinary, understated uniform” most people associate with suits lies an exceptional, luxurious universe. And surely, we can’t let men keep this unparalleled world of elegance all to themselves.

(The photo was taken during my interview with Marco Bizzarri, the former CEO of Gucci. The suit, crafted by Teruo Hirokawa, received high praise from Bizzarri himself. One of the great advantages of a tailored suit is that it’s always appropriate, no matter which brand representatives you meet. Just as a side note, I’m 165 cm tall, and with 5 cm heels, I stand at 170 cm. It goes to show just how tall Bizzarri truly is.)

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