年末の各アワードが乱立するが、今年は「名品」と「時計」で審査員、コメンテーターを務めさせていただいた。こういう機会は市場に出回る最高級を見比べながら学べるので ほんとうにありがたく思う。
「買えない(価格)だから見ない」とか「高すぎるから自分には縁がないので無視」 というコメントを時折見るのだが、いちいち自分の所有物になるかどうかという 物欲基準をもちこむのはもったいないと思う。
ブランドの誇りをかけた圧倒的な風格を漂わせる製品を見るということと 所有欲(物欲)を切り離してしまうと 、
どんな分野でも身の丈に合うもので満足することは幸福感のベースを作るが 、その分野の最高峰を知る、という経験はあったほうがいい。
At the end of the year, numerous awards abound, and this year, I had the privilege of serving as a judge and commentator for categories such as “Masterpieces” and “Timepieces.” These opportunities are truly invaluable, as they allow me to learn by comparing the finest creations available on the market.
Occasionally, I come across comments like, “I can’t afford it, so I won’t even look,” or “It’s too expensive and irrelevant to me, so I’ll ignore it.” However, I feel it’s a pity to limit one’s engagement with these works by framing them solely through the lens of personal ownership or material desire.
(Understandably, editors and advertisers may hope such exposure translates into purchases.)
Separating the act of appreciating products that exude an overwhelming aura of excellence—a testament to the pride of their respective brands—from the desire to possess them unlocks an unparalleled opportunity for intellectual and aesthetic enrichment.
It provides a foundation for exploring critical questions, such as:
What defines quality at its highest level?
What nuances distinguish one creation from another?
How is a brand’s identity expressed in tangible form?
How can cutting-edge contemporary sensibilities harmonize with timeless traditions?
The insights gained from these observations crystallize into a refined sensibility that can be applied to both one’s professional endeavors and personal life.
In any field, finding contentment within one’s means forms the basis of happiness. However, the experience of encountering the pinnacle of excellence is equally essential.
As this cultivated sensibility deepens, one may paradoxically find themselves liberated from material desire, embracing a sense of true freedom.
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