大西ギャラリーとKOGEI USA が2つの展覧会を同時開催します。
The Spirit of Noto: Urushi Artists of Wajima (能登の魂:輪島の漆芸術作家たち)
Waves of Resilience (復興の波)
会場:大西ギャラリー 16E 79th Street, Ground Floor, New York, NY 10075
お問い合わせ www.onishigallery.com
Wajima is currently suffering from a once-in-several-decades heavy rain disaster. While still struggling to recover from the earthquake, this unreasonable disaster has dealt another blow.
I hesitated a lot about making this announcement at such a time, but I remembered one of the artisans saying that they’re happiest “when a piece sells!”
Thinking that even in times like these, it might help promote the works a little, here’s the announcement I just received from President Okagaki of Senshudo about an exhibition in New York to support Wajima-nuri lacquerware.
Onishi Gallery and KOGEI USA are simultaneously hosting two exhibitions:
The Spirit of Noto: Urushi Artists of Wajima
Waves of Resilience
Duration: October 1st – 25th
Venue: Onishi Gallery, 16E 79th Street, Ground Floor, New York, NY 10075
For inquiries: www.onishigallery.com
Photo provided by Senshudo
The best support is for people from around the world to take an interest in Wajima-nuri and purchase the works.